'24 Christmas Countdown
Advent Day 14Nearly done with Solar Panel rigs that allow 2 to slide over 2. We also wired new satellite heading and gps receiver - now we acquire by the time the chart plotter is booted. sailed off in the afternoon and Chris continued his work on the solar panel rig still. We arrived at Fort Monroe after 11pm to anchor for night's sleep. Had to run generator to warm up boat and we slept under 2 heating blankets. We slept soundly.
Advent Day 15ICW ! We went through our first lock. View video on youtube. We have about 165 miles to get to Beaufort Inlet (aka 33hours motoring 5kts for 8-10hrs a day). Then 37 hours straight in so-so conditions to get to Charleston before bad weather hits us top of next week. Wish us luck on this ambitious run.
Advent Day 18Crazy day. Motored in fog more. Duck hunters in Goose Creek shooting from swamp too close to canal for our comfort. Moments later, coast guard transmitted 'securite, securite' for a hazmat in Goose creek. Thought we'd get to shop at Oriental but had to change oil in dinghy motor instead.
Advent Day 19Better day. Went to cafe for bagel and coffee, then grocery shopped at Piggly Wiggly. They provided a courtesy shuttle back to dinghy. Set out in the ocean from Beaufort, thru Onslow Bay, to inlet just north of Cape Fear. Soooo cold. Before bikini time, there are weeks of multiple layers and coastal wear.
Advent Day 22Don't let this picture fool you. This is the calm before the big dance with the ocean.
Advent Day 23Our plans changed a dozen times these past 2 weeks. Weather took Charleston and Savanah off our stops. We routed straight to St Augustine from Cape Fear, but once the sun went down, it was so rough we head into St John's river (~ Jacksonville).